Shadow boards are an integral tool that is needed in many industrial environments to protect the company, the user and the tool from damage. Damage can be caused by a lost or misplaced tool, causing bodily injury or equipment damage.
Are you familiar with this problem?
- Disorder in the drawer
- Long search for the right tool
- Unstructured work
- Chaos and clutter in the case
- Your products are unprotected
- Your products fall around, get damaged
Then we have THE solution for you. Shadowboards are used to organize tools, components and individual parts so that they can be easily accessed and recorded. In many industries, it is critical that all tools and/or parts be accounted for before leaving a work site. Loss would be very costly, or tools could be left behind in areas that could existentially disrupt machine operations. Imagine an aircraft repair accidentally leaving a wrench in a turbojet tunnel….
WETRO SCAN offers custom shadow boards made of closed-cell polyethene foam and ESD foam for these applications.

In 5 steps to your personalized insole

1. Scan

2. Login

3. Design

4. Order

5. Production & delivery
1. Scan of the objects
To get your desired shadowboard setup, you don’t need much: Our scan case with integrated light plate with associated camera and our free CAD software .The scan case becomes your mobile object scanner! With the calibrated camera provided by us, you can easily photograph your objects. Afterwards the Blue Shadow softwareautomatically digitizes the created photo and generates a suitable contour for further use in the Blue Shadow software. The frame of the Light Panel serves as a reference.
You do not need any further tools and save valuable time when digitizing your products. In this way, you quickly and effectively build your own database and can use it as often as you like.
2. Upload images
The light boards we offer are used to take high quality photos of the tools/objects you want to have in your shadowboard design. Once you have taken these pictures, you can import them into our Blue Shadow design software.
Design your shadow board yourself or use our design service. We manage every step of the design process in our custom client web portal, so each of your projects is organized every step of the way.
3. Individual design of your insert
Blue Shadow imports .jpeg files of the images taken on our light panels. Once the outline of the object(s) is scanned, the CAD functions allow for quick and easy designand layout of your personalized shadowboard.
Blue Shadow is based on a linear flow concept. Simply define the size, color and height of the shadowboards you need, import the .jpg of your tools and start your design. Easy to understand icons help you through the design process, quite simply you can align the outlines to your liking. Recesses for the handles can be added with two mouse clicks. Customize your text using a range of fonts and sizes and place it on your board. Errors are highlighted in red during final inspection.
Your tool files can be saved individually, you will build your own tool database. Save the shadow board file in our proprietary .bord format and email it to us.
4. Place order
Our team of experts will take care of the final approval of your design and send you the final draft of your personal insert for production approval.
After your approval, the board design will be produced on our milling machines and laser station.
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5S and lean manufacturing process control is rapidly expanding in various manufacturing and service sectors such as aerospace, automotive, electronics, furniture production and healthcare as a core business strategy to create a competitive advantage.
WETRO SCAN Shadow Boards meet the 5S requirements perfectly:
- They sort & separate what is needed & not needed in the area.
- They straighten items that are needed so they are ready & easy to use.
- They keep the work area clean to maintain standards and identify errors.
- They standardize and support the first three steps of the 5S process.

1. S = Seiri

2. S = Seiton

3. S = Seiso

4. S = Seiketsu

5. S = Shitsuke
We make your packaging solutions more innovative and sustainable with ReFoam and RePaper
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*Climate neutrality for companies includes direct emissions caused within the company (electricity and heat generation, vehicle fleet, volatile gases) and indirect emissions from purchased energy, business travel and employee commuting. Other indirect emissions that occur outside the company in the manufacture of raw materials and preliminary products, external logistics and the use and disposal of products or other processes are not covered by climate neutrality.