Sales promotion and transport protection through foam
Precisely manufactured foam inlays make it possible to transport and protect your products securely and also to present them in a higher quality. A sales promoting presentation with simultaneous transport protection creates added value for your product. If you do not want to miss optical and creative accents, you can choose from different types of foam, which are available in attractive colours. Our packaging development department is always on the hunt for the latest trends and foam developments.
Our foam case inserts are designed according to your requirements and wishes. The optimum selection of the right foam is based on the intended use and area of application. You have the requirement – we have the right solution for the case inlay.

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Are you interested in our foam packaging?

Foam case inlay – individual custom-made products for demanding applications
Whether in large series or with special requirements – we manufacture foam inserts for cases precisely and individually to measure. We have state-of-the-art machinery with CNC-controlled machines for cutting and a wide range of options for die-cutting, water jetting and welding the foam.
The foam for cases is processed using a computer-controlled milling machine to achieve the precise contours required to accommodate the inserts. The made-to-measure production of a foam case insert enables the free design of the shape and serves to adapt the insert to the format of the case and its contents.
If you are interested in our custom-made, safe and sales-promoting foam case inserts, please contact our team of experts. We look forward to advising you on all aspects of foam case inserts.
Present products attractively with a foam case insert
A high-quality foam insert for cases not only guarantees professional and safe transportation of sensitive products, but can also be used to create impressive presentations. Thanks to individual processing with modern CNC technology, precise contours and shapes can be cut into the foam, which together create an exciting and harmonious layout.
In this way, the arrangement of the products in the case with foam inlay does not appear random, but stylish and balanced. By presenting the objects neatly and in a special foam material, your range looks particularly elegant and high-quality.
Sustainable materials for the use of foam suitcases
Wetropa is known for its special commitment to the use of sustainable packaging materials that function in line with a culture of the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. As part of ReFOAM, we have created a portfolio of resource- and climate-friendly materials with which packaging solutions, such as the foam case insert, can be realized in a sustainable way.
Wetropa also offers sustainable versions of foam for suitcases. The best example of this is the highly elastic and closed-cell foam Arplank, which is an excellent starting material for foam case inserts thanks to its first-class material properties.
We make your packaging solutions more innovative and sustainable with ReFoam and RePaper